The Carnegie  Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club 1999, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie  Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York

Designed by Goodman Charlton

Owned by:

The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club 1999, 156 W 56th St, New York
The Carnegie Club 1999, 156 W 56th St, New York

Original Bar built in 1999 Designed by Connie Beale Design

Complete redesign in 2012 by Goodman Charlton Design